My Writings & Articles

Academic Publications

Discover my research through my scholarly publications. This page showcases a collection of peer-reviewed articles and book chapters I have published.

Peer reviewed Publications

Weisgerber, C. (2017). Teaching students to become curators of ideas: An exercise in applied new media literacy. In J. S. Seiter, J. Peeples, & M. L. Sanders (eds.), Great Ideas for Teaching Students (G.I.F.T.S.) in Communication. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (2016). Debranding digital identity: Personal branding and identity work in a networked age. International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems and Technologies, 6(1), 17-33.

Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (2015). Curating the Soul: Foucault's concept of hupomnemata and the digital technology of self-care. Information, Communication & Society.

Weisgerber, C. (2012). Illusions of Empowerment: Re-interpreting the Blogger’s Social Media Dream. International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems and Technologies, 2(1), 36-51.

Weiserber, C. (2012). Public voice and new media literacy skills as a learning outcome in the public speaking classroom. In F. Mullen (ed.), Teaching Communication Creatively, Lynchburg, VA: Liberty University Press.

Butler, S. & Weisgerber, C. (2011). Empowering 21st Century Learners through Personal Learning Networks. In P. Ferris (ed.), Teaching, Learning, and the Net Generation: Concepts and Tools for Reaching Digital Learners (pp. 249-268). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S (2011). Social Media as a Professional Development Tool: Using Blogs, Microblogs and Social Bookmarks to Create Personal Learning Networks. In C. Wankel (ed.), Teaching Arts & Science with Social Media, pp. 339-363. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald.

Weisgerber, C. (2010). Disorder Construction As Lay Work: Examining The Relationship Between Sleep Paralysis Construction And Help-Seeking Behaviours. In R. Harris, N. Wathen, & S. Wyatt (eds.), Configuring Health Consumers: Health Work and the Imperative of Personal Responsibility, pp. 94-109. Houndsmills, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan.

Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (Eds.) (2010). Communication Pedagogy in the Age of Social Media [Special Issue]. Electronic Journal of Communication, 20(1).

Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (2010). Editor's Introduction: Special Issue on Communication Pedagogy in the Age of Social Media. Electronic Journal of Communication.

Weisgerber, C. (2009). Teaching PR 2.0 through the use of blogs and wikis. Communication Teacher, 23(3), 105-109.

Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (2009). Visualizing the Future of Interaction Studies: Data Visualization Applications as a Research, Pedagogical, and Presentational Tool for Interaction Scholars. Electronic Journal of Communication, 19(1-2) .

Weisgerber, C. (2009). Service-Learning in the PR Campaigns Class: Using Wikis as an Interaction, Reflection, and Assessment tool. In D. W. Worley, B. Hugenberg, & M. Elkins (eds.), Best Practices in Experiential and Service Learning in Communication, pp. 370-378. Dubuque, IA: Great River Technologies.

Weisgerber, C. (2006). Helping students understand the press kit and its use by the media: When PR material becomes news. Communication Teacher, 20 (4), 93-96.

Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (2005). Towards a theoretical framework for the design of interactive online distance learning systems. The Texas Journal of Distance Learning, 2 (2), 44-57.

Weisgerber, C. (2004). Turning to the Internet for help on sensitive medical problems: A qualitative study of the construction of a sleep disorder through online interaction. Information, Communication & Society, 7(4), 111-132.