Speaking & Training
Speaker. Educator. Trainer.
I'm a storyteller at heart. Whether I'm taking to a room full of college students, addressing peers at an academic conference, or presenting at a high-powered industry event, I bring the same passion and enthusiasm to every presentation. I strive to make my presentations engaging and informative, while maintaining a conversational and approachable style.
Academic presentations
Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (May, 2022). Reconceptualizing effective health communication for present-day social and mass media ecosystems. Paper presented at the International Communication Association’s (ICA) post-conference. Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon, France.
Rosas, C., Weisgerber, C., Yndo, M. (June, 2021). Pivoting to Online Learning during a Pandemic: Techniques and Tools for Active Learning. Presented online at the Nineteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities: Critical Thinking, Soft Skills, and Technology. Universidad Complutense Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
Yndo, M., Rosas, C., Weisgerber, C., (June, 2021). New Frontier in Higher Education: Teaching during a Pandemic. Presented online at the Nineteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities: Critical Thinking, Soft Skills, and Technology. Universidad Complutense Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
Rosas, C., Yndo, M., Weisgerber, C. (July, 2021). We talk the talk but do we walk the walk? The application of student centered applications for adult learners. Presented online at the Twenty-eight International Conference on Learning. Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
Weisgerber, C. (March 2020). Not for Sale: Academic Freedom at University, Inc. Talk accepted for presentation at the SXSWedu (South by Southwest Education) Conference, Austin, TX. Cancelled due to COVID.
Weisgerber, C. (May, 2020). Fostering effective intercultural dialogue through cultural and linguistic awareness. Paper accepted for presentation at the Transatlantic Dialogue Conference. University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. Cancelled due to COVID.
Weisgerber, C. (2017, November). Broken agencies/broken agency: The role of communication professionals in confronting dysfunctional systems. Paper presented to the Ethnography Division of the National Communication Association, Dallas, TX.
Butler, S. & Weisgerber, C. (2016, November). Malcolm X: Constructing black manhood in public memory. Paper accepted for presentation to the Mass Communication Division of the National Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (2015, November). Curating the Soul: Foucault's concept of hupomnemata and the digital technology of self-care. Paper presented to the Human Communication and Technology Division of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Weisgerber, C. (2015, November). Embracing The Discourse of Disruption in Higher Ed? Paper presented to the Undergraduate College and University Section Division of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Weisgerber, C. (2015, November). Fostering Course Creativity with Instructional Technology. Paper presented to the National Communication Association Educational Policies Board, Las Vegas, NV.
Weisgerber, C. (2015, November). Utilizing the Digital Landscape in and out of the Classroom: How Current Communication Technologies Foster Community and Scholarship. Paper presented to the Opportunities for Technology and Community Division of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Weisgerber, C. (2015, March). Disrupting the Disruption in Higher Ed. Talk given at the SXSWedu (South by Southwest Education) Conference, Austin, TX.
Weisgerber, C. (2014, November). Teaching with Storify, Diigo and HootSuite. Paper accepted to the NCA Educational Policies Board Panel, Chicago, IL.
Weisgerber, C. (2013, November). The Networked Academic. Paper presented to the Human Communication and Technology Division of the National Communication Association, Washington, D.C.
Weisgerber, C. (2013, June). Teaching Students to Become Curators of Ideas: An Exercise in Applied New Media Literacy. Paper presented at the International Communication Association's Annual Convention, London, U.K.
Weisgerber, C. & Butler , S. (2012, September). Measuring Your Social Media Efforts. Online workshop given for the HP Catalyst Initiative & the New Media Consortium.
Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (2012, March). Re-envisioning Modern Pedagogy: Educators as Curators. Talk given at the SXSWedu (South by Southwest Education) Conference, Austin, TX.
Weisgerber, C. (2011, November). Twittering on the Edge of Disaster: Cattenom’s Curation of a Catastrophe. Paper presented to the Convention Theme Division of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Butler, S. & Weisgerber, C. (2011, November). Tapping into the stream of expert voices to create self-directed learning experiences for digital natives. Paper presented to the Instructional Development Division of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (2011, March). Empowering students through personal learning networks built on social media platforms. Talk given at the SXSWedu (South by Southwest Education) Conference, Austin, TX.
Weisgerber, C. (2010, November). Illusions of Empowerment: Re-interpreting the Social Media Dream. Paper presented to the Human Communication and Technology and the Critical Studies Divisions of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.
Weisgerber, C. (2010, April). Interacting with the digital natives: Online technology for interactive learning. Talk given at the Central States Communication Association Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
Weisgerber, C. (2010, April). Engaging students in experiential and service learning. Paper presented at the Central States Communication Association Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
Weisgerber, C. (2009, May). Sleep paralysis sufferers and their inclination to seek medical help: how do lay constructions of the disorder influence sufferers’ help-seeking behaviors? Paper presented at The University of Western Ontario’s Invited Workshop on Working to be Healthy: Negotiating Health Information and Technology in a Consumerist Age, London, Ontario.
Weisgerber, C. (2008, November). Public Voice and New Media Literacy Skills as a Learning Outcome in the Public Speaking Classroom. Paper presented to the G.I.F.T.S. Division of the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (2008, November). Incorporating social media into the communication classroom: How to make the best of blogs, wikis, social bookmarks, and RSS feeds. Pre-conference seminar presented to the Pre-conference Division of the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Butler, S. & Weisgerber, C. (2008, November). UnConventional Speech Grading Techniques: Using Software Programs to Administer Speech Feedback to Students. Paper presented to the Community College Section of the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (2008, April). Spreading Ideologies on the Read/Write Web: Government use of meta-blogs to teach democracy in the Muslim World. Paper presented to the Mass Communication Division of the Southern States Communication Association, Savannah, GA .
Weisgerber, C. (2007, November). Disclosing Hallucinations: Strategies Used by Sleep Paralysis Sufferers to Talk about Face-Threatening Hallucinatory Experiences. Paper presented to the Interpersonal Communication Division of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (2006, November). “Effects of the Differential Constructions of a Sleep Disorder on a Sufferer’s Inclination to Seek Medical Help: A Qualitative Analysis”. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX.
Weisgerber, C. (2006, November). “ComCoach: An online speech resource designed to improve students’ oral presentation and critical evaluation skills”. Paper presented to the Scholar-to-Scholar Program of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX.
Weisgerber, C. (2006, August). “Language Policy in Multilingual Nations: A Case Study of Language Policy Development in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.” Paper accepted for presentation at the Internal Association for Intercultural Communication Studies, San Antonio, TX.
Weisgerber, C. & Butler, S. (2006, April). Should we stay or should we go? Leadership communication in the face of a potentially catastrophic hurricane. Paper presented to the Crisis Communication Division of the Southern States Communication Association, Dallas, TX.
Weisgerber, C. (2004, November). Email from Prince Nana Kofi of Nigeria: A Qualitative Study of the Construction of Identity in Nigerian Email Scams. Paper presented to the Human Communication and Technology Division of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Weisgerber, C. (2003, November). Constructing the Sleep Paralysis Disorder through Online Interaction: How Internet Users make Sense of a Mysterious Phenomenon. Paper presented to the Communication and Social Cognition Division of the National Communication Association, Miami, FL.
Weisgerber, C. (2003, April). Caught on the Web: Exposing Student Plagiarism in the Speech Classroom. Paper accepted for presentation at the Basic Course Division of the Eastern Communication Association, Washington D.C.
Weisgerber, C. (2002, November). Towards a Theoretical Framework for the Design of Interactive Multimedia- Based Online Learning Systems. Paper presented to the Human Communication and Technology Division of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Weisgerber, C. (2002, November). Examining the Role of Self-Disclosure and Self-Presentation in Online Health Communication. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Weisgerber, C. (2002, April). SpeechTeach 1.0: An Online Speech Communication Learning Environment. Paper presented to the Instructional Development Division of the Eastern Communication Association, NY.
Weisgerber, C. (2001, November). Using Discourse Analytical Tools in the Second Language Classroom: Textual Analysis and Pedagogical Application of Goethe’s Faust. Paper presented to the Language and Social Interaction Division of the National Communication Association, Atlanta, GA.
Weisgerber, C. (2001, November). Turning to the Internet for Medical Problems: The Case of the Online Sleep- Paralysis Community. Paper presented to the Human Communication and Technology Division of the National Communication Association, Atlanta, GA.
Weisgerber, C. (2001, April). Seeking Online Medical Help for Sensitive Topics: A qualitative study of a bulletin board devoted to sleeping disorders. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division of the Eastern Communication Association, Portland, ME.
Weisgerber, C. (2000, November). Towards an Axiomatic Theory of Online Patient Disclosure. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division of the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.
Weisgerber, C. (2000, November). Meeting strangers in cyberspace and real life: A comparison of initial face- to-face and computer-mediated interaction. Paper presented to the Human Communication and Technology Commission of the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.
Weisgerber, C. (2000, April). AIDS Education and Culture: Analysis of the Effects of Cultural Context Orientation on the Directness of AIDS Education Literature. Paper presented to the Intercultural Communication Division of the Southern States Communication Association, New Orleans, LO.
Weisgerber, C. (2000, April). Infidelity in Dating Relationships: Examining The Impact Of Attachment Style Differences On Infidelity. Paper presented to the Interpersonal Communication Division of the Southern States Communication Association, New Orleans, LO.
Weisgerber, C. (2000, April). Augustine’s Rhetoric: Christianization of Ciceronian Rhetoric and Platonic Dialectic. Paper presented to the History of Rhetoric Division of the Southern States Communication Association, New Orleans, LO.
Weisgerber, C. (1999, November). Studying Initial Interaction in Computer-Mediated and Face-to-Face Interaction. Poster presented at the National Communication Association annual convention, Chicago, IL.
Industry Presentations
Invited KeynoteS
Weisgerber, C. (2011, November). Many voices, one stream: Negotiating multiple identities on the social web. Keynote talk given at the webcom Montréal Conference, Montréal, Canada.
Weisgerber, C. (2014, January). Du professeur connecté à l'étudiant connecté: vers une pédagogie stratégique des médias sociaux. Invited talk given at the Sorbonne University, Paris, France.
Invited Talks
Weisgerber, C. (October 13, 2018). Love, loneliness, and the potentialities and limits of technology to satisfy our relational longings. Panel presentation at the Mobile Loaves & Fishes Community First! Community Cinema.
Weisgerber, C. (2014, November). How to Maximize Your LinkedIn Presence. Talk given at the Texas Conference for Women, Austin, TX.
Weisgerber, C. (2013, February). Trainers as curators of ideas: A new metaphor for the digital age. Talk given at the 2013 E-Learning Symposium, Houston, TX.
Weisgerber, C. (2012, October). Rethinking Professional Development in the Age of Social Media. Presentation given at the 2012 Texas HIV/STD Conference, Austin, TX.
Weisgerber, C. (2011, November). Building thought leadership in the age of curation. Talk given at the webcom Montréal Conference, Montréal, Canada.
Weisgerber, C. (2009, May). Tweet your way to success: Using Twitter to connect with your audiences. Talk given at the Public Relations Society of America Digital Impact Conference, New York City, NY.
Training & Workshops
Select trainings & Workshops I've led
Weisgerber, C. (2013, May). Curation in Higher Education. Online workshop given for the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).
Weisgerber, C. (2013, May). Social Media and the Church. Day-long workshop given to the Clergy Leadership Institute, Austin, TX.
Weisgerber, C. & Butler , S. (2012, September). Measuring Your Social Media Efforts. Online workshop given for the HP Catalyst Initiative & the New Media Consortium.
Weisgerber, C. (2012, October). Rethinking Professional Development in the Age of Social Media. Talk given at the 2012 Texas HIV/STD Conference, Austin, TX.
Weisgerber, C. (2011, February). Rethinking Professional Development in the Age of Social Media. Talk given at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs and The Governor’s Center for Management Development 17th annual Training Expo, Austin, TX.
Weisgerber, C. (2011, September). Social Media in the Classroom. Workshop given to the Texas Intergovernmental Training Council, Austin, TX.
Weisgerber, C. (2011, October). Social Media as a professional development tool for trainers. Workshop given to the Texas Intergovernmental Training Council, Austin, TX.